Sunday, December 7, 2014

Healing Energy and How It Can Help You!

"Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen." ~ Shakti Gawain

As life continues to teach me many lessons, I am amazed at the healing power of our bodies.  So very powerful!  We are energy first and body second.  Our own energies include meridians, the body's energy pathways; chakras, the body's energy centers; and aura, our body’s energy atmosphere and they all emit electromagnetic energy and light. In fact, everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. Keeping these energies in balance and moving is what keeps us healthy and alive. 

Energy healing is for everyone because we are all made of energy.  Additionally, energy work is inexpensive, universal, and unlimited. When practiced, it can effect positive change for anyone on a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. It can release stress, or - as Chinese medicine has known for centuries through acupuncture - restore vitality and balance also known as 'Chi' to organs and systems of the body.  As I learned many years ago, when Chi becomes disturbed, stagnant, imbalanced or depleted, disease and illness begin to take form - the aura becomes darker and discolored, personal frequency vibrates incorrectly, and the meridians and chakras within the body, become blocked. 

My recent Donna Eden Energy Healing classes at Ursuline College were truly enlightening.  Donna Eden, a world-renowned energy healer, has a fabulous story to tell.  She has healed tens of thousands of people and has her own healing system which many practitioners now use and teach.  Her recent book, "Energy Medicine," can help you heal you and is a fantastic tool.  Other energies I have been working with are by Barbara Brennan and Bioenergy Healing, Tai Chi, all with their unique modalities. 

If you or someone you love has not been feeling well, I encourage you to look at Energy Healing.  There are many forms available and this is just a few.  Listed below is Donna's Basic five minute routine to incorporate into your daily lives to help keep your energies humming! 

Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine