Friday, May 17, 2013

Lessons with a Purpose!

This week has brought me a new level of awareness and joy.  While at Whole Foods Market this  weekend, a lady stopped to talk with me.  She was quite interesting and started to tell me about her life and that she was 99 years old. I was astonished since she looked to be a young 70.  WOW, this inspired me greatly.  "Use common sense in life," she stated.  Her doctor said she is doing great and her only pain was in the shoulder.  There was a cane in her cart, she owns her own home, does not take medicine nor gets any medical tests.  It reminded me of the Blue Zones, places on Earth where people live longer and healthier lives than average.  The Blue Zones are places that I would like to visit someday.

Last week, I was introduced to “The Secret,” a self-help documentary that explains the “Laws of Attraction”.  A friend had given me the book, “Laws of Attraction over a year ago, how coincidental.  The Law of Attraction states that your intentions become your reality, therefore the more you think about something, the more chances you have to bring it to reality.  The Secret will show you how you can completely change your view in life for the better with a series of examples about keys to success and positive thinking.  This documentary continues to flow through my thoughts this week to continually motivate me to view the world differently and invest even more positive energy into my thoughts and actions. 
As learned from many positive influences such as Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy, positive thinkers see the bright side of life and anticipate happiness, joy, good health and favorable results more so than a negative thinker.  I have been a believer of positive self talk for more than 30 years and try to find a positive in every situation.  When you regularly apply positive thinking you actively direct your subconscious mind to create what you want in life. Try it one day at a time, a week at a time or for a lifetime!  Positive thinking is contagious, share it others!!
Blessed Be, Dena

Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.