Is your subconscious mind programmed the way you want your life to go? Do you want success, happiness, love, health, freedom of frustration? The programming of the subconscious mind directs the weight, shape, health, energy, functions, and actions of your body. It never stops working, even at rest. Tell your mind what you want and not what you don't want. Let go of negatively, ill emotions, fear, resentment, etc - they are not God's way. Believe that you can get what you want in life and go after it. "If it feels natural, then it is possible," said Wayne Dyer.
The power of the mind is infinite. Think the thoughts of what you want to change and think them over and over again until they become real. Use meditation, affirmations, hypnosis and guided imagery to help you reprogram your mind. If you are in a rut, get out of it now, no one will do it for you. With gratitude and grace I leave you today with these thoughts. Dena