Special note: If you are reading this blog, you have an interest in learning more about healing. People everywhere are rediscovering ancient cures and the many options available for healing disease. The ideas on my blog are items that I found either in writing, on-line, by talking with others or what worked for me. I am not selling anything. Use any ideas at your own risk. I love helping others.
Guided Imagery for Healing:
Andrew Weil and Martin Rossman's Guided Imagery CD helped me get well. Guided Imagery is a mind-body imagery technique. As an avid follower of Dr. Andrew Weil for more than a century, his site was one of the first ones that I went to looking for help. For years, I have read his books on healing, saw him speak live at a seminar at the Cleveland Clinic and even consulted his advisors on radiation.
Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Marty Rossman, M.D. is a gifted practitioner and teacher of guided imagery and mind/body medicine.
Helpful links below:

A healing image. Carry the beautiful inside....
Guided Imagery for Healing:
Andrew Weil and Martin Rossman's Guided Imagery CD helped me get well. Guided Imagery is a mind-body imagery technique. As an avid follower of Dr. Andrew Weil for more than a century, his site was one of the first ones that I went to looking for help. For years, I have read his books on healing, saw him speak live at a seminar at the Cleveland Clinic and even consulted his advisors on radiation.
Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Marty Rossman, M.D. is a gifted practitioner and teacher of guided imagery and mind/body medicine.
Helpful links below:
A healing image. Carry the beautiful inside....