Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Staying healthy involves looking after your state of mind, as well as taking care of your body. Yet, most of us manage our physical health far better than our mental health.  Without both of these systems working together, we can become ill. This means that happiness, or misery, health or illness are choices that we make.  Although disease is a physical manifestation, the root causes of most illnesses is not physical. The true root causes of almost every disease lie deep within every person that is ill.

Worry, anger, stress, jealousy, ill will, rage, irritation, resentment, guilt, depression, anxiety, lack of joy and happiness, plus all other negative emotions and thoughts, will weaken your immune system.  If you are holding negative emotion, let them go.  Four years ago for the first time in my life my very dear friend Barbara introduced me to the books by Louise Hay and Barbara Brennan   I will be forever grateful for Barb and her help.  Other healers that I am privileged to work with, have been fabulous teachers and have helped me identify and heal emotions.  To paraphrase Louise Hay, 'What thought am I thinking right now?  Do I want this thought to create my life?'  To change the mind set the affirmation she tells us is 'Only I create my thoughts.  My thoughts create my life.'

Learning how to forgive oneself and all the people whom you perceived as hurting you are the best remedies for any life issue, be it a chronic disease, an unhealthy relationship, or a difficult break-up. When we release old emotions we cause shifts in our energy field.  We thus rid ourselves of the energy blockages we may have created. This is the reason why letting go of old STUFF can do wonders for your health.  Affirmations, meditation, yoga, homeopathic remedies, working with a professional are just a few ways to help. 


