Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thinking Outside of the Box!

As I read an interview online recently (copy below) with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez titled, "A Tragic Decision That May Have Cost Steve Jobs His Life?, I began to think about how this event paralleled with my cancerous diagnosis three+ years ago. Many people understand what a cancerous diagnosis means and yet many do not because they may have never been directly confronted with it. I have been confronted firsthand with it and now understand it better. Feeling grateful in many ways, I understand my body better than ever. I know what things are good for me and what things I need to stay away from. I thank my natural healers for their unforgettable advice and on-going guidance.

You see, I followed a protocol similar to what Dr. William D. Kelley, Dr. Gonzalez and others have recommended and followed. Detox,
balancing body chemistry through nutrition and supplementation to rebuild the body. Over 130,000 cases have been documented from Dr. Kelley’s practice alone on people who have followed this protocol and are still alive to tell their story. For me, this was the only way to go.

God bless all of those who have lost their lives from cancer, including friends, family and Steve Jobs. What did make Steve ill? Will we ever know what makes any of us ill? There are many thoughts on this answer. Steve sure gave it a great fight and tried a multitude of things. God Bless him for "looking outside of the box!"

As one of my natural healers has told me, If there was one thing you could do for yourself to keep well, it would be liver and gallbladder flushes to remove the toxins that cause disease and ill health. The last link on this post says it all.  Be healthy!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dena's Top 30 Healing Guide

Today, September 30, 2011 marks three years since I had surgery at UH to remove a tumor in my parotid gland.  I said “No” to radiation and healed my body holistically.  I am well and have learned a lot in the last three years.  I thank the people that helped me in my journey and I will be forever grateful.  My gift to you is “Dena’s Top 30 Healing Guide.”  Be Healthy, Dena

1.   Energy healers are your friends
2.   Treat yourself to acupuncture to remove blocked Chi
3.   You can walk to the white light or black light, the choice is yours
4.   Your mind is the most powerful thing you own
5.   Never give up or give in
6.   Tibetan Rites are the Secret to the Fountain of Youth
7.   Don't look back, only forward
8.   You cannot change the past, focus on today and tomorrow
9.   Create your own destiny and don't let others do it for you
10.  In today's world, whole foods supplementation is a must
11.  Practice one new healing modality a month
12.  Keep your chakras balanced
13.  Organic whole foods are the healthiest option
14.  Detox often for optimum health
15.  Eliminate parasites, we all have them
16.  Meridians help tell a story
17.  Do your own research for wellness
18.  Keep a healing journal
19.  Don't take no for an answer
20.  Carefully sign releases for surgery
21.  Ask friends for help and guidance
22.  Family will be close, thank them always
23.  Natural healers can detect illness early
24.  Be confident, you are well
25.  Negative emotions can make you sick
26.  Guided imagery for self-healing works
27.  It's ok to scream
28.  Louise Hays can guide you to healing
29.  Pray and thank the Lord, our Savior
30.  With God, all things are possible

PS:  I always like to include links to each blog post so you can explore sites on subjects I mention in my blog posts.  Knowledge is Power!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Social Media and Your Health

As I was checking my Social Media links this morning and listened to the rain drops outside, I took time to read a thank you and invitation from Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD, Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine Consultant, to view her health blog. Wow, I'm so glad I read it since I found many of the articles of interest. One of the first few posts that I read spoke about the dangers of root canals. With September 30 being my 3 year anniversary date of having a tumor removed from my parotid gland, I felt this was good to share.

There are many thoughts on root canals and the dangers. Bottom line is that you need to do your own research and form your own opinion. Having gone through my own healing journey, I do believe that many health issues do start in your mouth and root canals can contribute to ill health. I am now seeing a Holistic Dentist to correct some very bad dental work that I had done. Remind me to talk about Mercury Poison from dental work on another blog post. It happened to me!

The iHealthtube, a link to free videos, podcasts and articles on healh, which I found on Dr. Shelby-Lane's blog, is a great way to keep educated on ways to heal, take a few minutes and look it over or share a link. You'll be glad you did. By the way, I have also attached the Blogs, Twitter and Facebook Social Media Links for both Dr. Shelby-Lane and ihealthtube in case you want to follow them as well. 

My philosophy is you need to control what you can, because you can’t control everything in life.  In other words, don't eat, drink or do things that are bad for you, lean toward the things that will keep you well. Please remember to have fun!!/ihealthtube

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Illness Resulting in Blocked Chi

Illness resulting in blocked chi...have you ever heard such a comment before?  Your illness may very well be a result of blocked chi.  Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world, known as an Aura, is a scientifically proven fact. The Chinese refer to this energy as 'Chi' (pronounced Chee), the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing.

Chi blockage can be traced to the root of all problems, imbalances, and diseases.  Simple things like emotions, nutrition, environment, injury, etc. are known to block Chi. 
Many illnesses can be corrected by spending sessions with an acupunturist in order to have chi blockages cleared.  Acupuncture is a fabulous way of helping your body heal.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Half the battle is "Your Mind"

Sometimes life leads you down a path that you never dreamed you would be traveling.  As Zig Zigler has taught me, "you need to find a positive in ever negative that happens in life."  I know this is easier said than done sometimes, but believe me, it's TRUE!  If you have a strong commitment in your mind, that when things happen, they happen for a reason, you will be a lot better off.  If you change your mind set and starting putting a positive slant on every aspect of your life, i.e., the kids, your job, your family and friends, your health, etc., you will be amazed at how you can turn your attitude, thoughts and feelings around so you can deal with each situation better.

Three months after my surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, I told my friends and family that I felt like I had gone to the "Fountain of Youth," and was on my way back.  Who, do you know would ever make this statement?  Well, I did and it was because I believed it.  After seeking the best resources, I could find to help me get well, I knew that it would happen.  I thank my family, friends, my Naturopath and Peter Kelder for writing the book, "The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth."

Presenters | Wake Up Cancer is Curable Now

Presenters Wake Up Cancer is Curable Now

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guided Imagery -- Healing from the Inside!!!

Special note:  If you are reading this blog, you have an interest in learning more about healing.  People everywhere are rediscovering ancient cures and the many options available for healing disease.  The ideas on my blog are items that I found either in writing, on-line, by talking with others or what worked for me.  I am not selling anything.  Use any ideas at your own risk.  I love helping others.

Guided Imagery for Healing:

Andrew Weil and Martin Rossman's Guided Imagery CD helped me get well.  Guided Imagery is a mind-body imagery technique.  As an avid follower of Dr. Andrew Weil for more than a century, his site was one of the first ones that I went to looking for help.  For years, I have read his books on healing, saw him speak live at a seminar at the Cleveland Clinic and even consulted his advisors on radiation. 

Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit.  Marty Rossman, M.D. is a gifted practitioner and teacher of guided imagery and mind/body medicine.

Helpful links below:

A healing image. Carry the beautiful inside....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Three Lessons To Be Learned.

Did you ever have pain for a very long time and couldn't figure out why?  For over three years, I had a nagging type pain near my ear area.  I visited a total of 10 doctors and not one of them could figure it out.  One day, I was having lunch with a vendor and she said, "Did you know that a root canal can cause cancer?"  Hum, as I sat across the table and thought about this concept.  It was that day, that made me realize, I could not stop the search until I found the answers needed to stop the pain. 

One evening, I stumbled on a web site by accident called, All Experts, a man's post in the dental section was the same complaint of pain.  Go figure.  So I wrote to the dentist on-line that was answering the man's questions and this is where the answers started to unfold. 

Three lessons to be learned:  1. Never stop looking for the answers to your questions.  2.  The health of your body starts in your mouth.  3.  Pain is not normal.